Using pyenv for Python version management
Python is currently the 2nd most used programming language in the world. Development tools are increasing in quality as well, making life as a Python developer much easier (shoutout to Visual Studio Code, poetry, black and flake8). Most of the time you use only the Python version installed in your…
Use Poetry for Python dependency management with Visual Studio Code
Python has been the most popular programming language for years, but despite this dependency management has been a weak spot for a long time as well. Pipenv was (and is) a good attempt to fix this, but in late 2019 Poetry 1.0 was released and it is very good. Seriously, give it a try. There is a…
Set Python 3 as default in Ubuntu 20.04 LTS Focal Fossa
As you might know, starting from Ubuntu 20.04 LTS, Python 2 is no longer a dependency and not installed by default anymore. However, there are still some…